Saturday, June 12, 2010

Fifa 2010 Mastcot by Ink-B! Ink-B Commissions open up!

Just a really quick blog post tonight! Everyone I know is going through Fifa fever, or something! So in the spirit of sport, Ink-B did a very erotic homage to the Mascot Zakumi.

I have seen players with their shorts down, but never this excited while playing the sport. :P

Very cut pose Ink! I have to admit this is my first time seeing him. I was told by Crimsonblood he is a hottie and you certainly brought out his best features. He is DREAMY! XD The human face is a very nice touch. Very cute eyes and thin eyebrows. He has a very playful appearance, especially with that big cat like mouth. If that shirt was any tighter his nipples would be poking through! XD Nice mixture of greens and yellows, he has a very Earthy tone to him. I can see him running with Smilo! :P He can send that through my goal....

Ink-B is currently open for commissions. So now is your change to get some hot art from this amazing talent! His prince is 30 Euro for one character. You can reach him via the Y!Gallery, or blog Black Sugar. I highly recommend him. You can see all the wonderful works he has done for me. ^_^


  1. I find this kinda funny because I didn't know they even had a mascot or anything for this until like... last week. XD I just don't give a crap about soccer I guess. I dunno if that's because I don't like sports or because I am American. LOL
    Ah well, Ink did a great job as always. :3 Good stuff! But the green hair gets me even if done badly, right? lol

  2. Hot mascot transformation :D - FallenAngel
