Tuesday, June 29, 2010

50 Years of a Gay old Time, Flintstones STYLE Contest!

This is it folks, it took awhile, but the next contest is The 50th Anniversary of my most favorite cartoon of all time, The Flintstones!!!

The Grand Prize shall be $50!

The Flintstones was a series that met social issues in a light hearted way. I bet, had it gone on, there would have been some gay neighbors. Heck, even Archie has a gay character now! They were going to do a series called the Blackstones, during the 70's.

The rules for this contest are really lose and open.

There will be two categories! Yep! You can submit Black and White and Full colour images. Prizes will be given for both. This will give artists that are stressed for time a chance to enter.

Full contest rules are as follows:

1. Entries should be of an erotic, or sexual nature.

-Please try to sexy up the cast, I am not looking for exact versions of the characters. Feel free to do characters in your own style.

-Feel free to create Anthro versions of the characters.

-You may create your own original cast members.

-Your may use your own original characters and place them in Bedrock.

-Use famous TV series characters, movies, Manga, Comics, other Hanna Barbara stars, anything meeting, or visiting the city of Bedrock. This includes live action TV shows! Remember the Flintstones was always doing this back in the day.

2. More then one character in each image is welcome.

3. More then entry into either category is acceptable as well.

4. Please No shota, however tasteful images of the Flintstone kids is acceptable as well.

The prizes are as follows:

Color Entries:

$50 Grand Prize
$30 Second Prize
$25 Third Prize
$15 Fourth Prize
$10 Fifth Prize

Black and White Entries:

$20 Grand Prize
$15 Second Prize
$10 Third Prize
$6 Fourth Prize.

The dead line is August 20th. However if there is a demand for it, I can lower the contest deadline..

I think I will be doing the voting poll on this site for a change.


  1. YAY sounds really good :P can I enter? (if i have time of course)

  2. Yes of course you can Karulox! That would be an honor. ^O^
