Saturday, November 14, 2009

November Super Nova

Hey guys, been a long time I know. Been putting off the blogging as this month has been really busy for me. Before I start, I want to apologize for the amount of crappy images done by myself this blog will contain. A lot of people wonder if I draw at all, or if I am any good. The answer is, I draw, but I am not that good! However I feel it is important that I do give people a basic outline for a proposed character, or commission. So today I will be sharing some of my sketches and Sai art as well as the REAL art done by the superb talents you have come to expect to see around here! :)

I have many wonderful images to share today. Let's start out with my Newest OC Nova. Now Nova started out his professional life as a stand in for a character in a Caravaggia image. She had asked me about various ideas I had for the first Otnorot and Space Cadet image. I gave her a couple ideas, including a proposed shower scene. I really only mentioned it as a possible future idea, but she liked the concept so much she showed me what the image would look like in a basic Sketch. Heck, Caravaggia showed me three proses! She really knows how to spoil me! :) Now at the time, a little creature was starting to form in my mind. Not exactly my most outstanding, or original vision, but one I wanted to explore. Nova is Grey Alien human hybrid. Otnorot being an Alien needed an original alien to interact with. So I asked her if she wouldn't mind taking him on and placing him in the scene and pose she had already set up. For those interested in Space Cadet I am sorry about that. Don't worry! Space Cadet is going to get lots of love in the future! :)

This is my very first image of Nova. I drew it late at night at work, I think. This image is him as a teenager. My original concept for him was that he was about 18, or 19, stuck on his ancient Rome like home world and dying to meet his father on Earth. His father not being a warrior, but simple DJ would lead to variuos situations. He's much slender here as I felt I really should explore a male that is not so built. Well, that and Grey's are not really known for their muscular body types, are they? I am sure to ask someone in the future to produce an image of him at this tender age and with this build.

Nova as more of a Teenager done in Sai, a system I am still getting the hang of.

The second image of Nova. As you can see right from the start Nova was given a couple of long eyelashes and some stubble on his chin. Since he was part human I wanted to show that in a couple ways. I gave him dreads and nipples and a slight nose ridge to exemplify that. He has yet to get the stubble from any artist except for me! XD

As artist such as Cavarragia, Sirio and Fallenangel toiled on him, I became very inspired. I drew more of him every night and even some female cast members. Because of these wonderful artist and the feedback from others regarding him, Nova started to take a better shape in mind's eye. He lost the slender build and I focused on the Roman Warrior aspect of his character.

When Sirio jumped on board I let her go to town making a costume for him. I let her design his UFO shield I had suggested only briefly.

This is my favorite image I drew of him while taking a quick break at work.

Nova a little bit 300 style. XD

An image I created for Fallen who said I really need to get my butt in gear and start showing I can draw too! Drawing in Sai is harder then paper, but I think I am finally getting the hang of it. It is starting to feel more natural.

OK so on to the REAL art!

This image as mentioned started out with Space Cadet.

Very playful isn't it? Nope that's not cum, or pee splashing Nova. Otnorot has the ability to squirt water from his uncut member to clean his body. This penis does not extra waste at all.

Check out the sweet line art! I tell you folks, I am never ceased to be amazed when I see all the steps of an image. I may have to ask for changes and additional details, but there is still nothing as personal and touching as seeing these artists work step by step. An artist that will sit with you the way the artist I have presented to you on this site do, have true love for the medium and respect for their customers and art. Even if you don't have a lot of money, I highly recommend just getting some sketches from these people.

Ok as you can see the shower took on a life of it's own as well. I had an idea to decorate the place with Space Invaders. Caravaggia then showed me a hair salon near her that has the theme as well!!! I HAVE TO GO THERE! LOL.
I tell you one of the HARDEST things about Otnorot is his explaining his strange circumcision scar to people. Most people assume it's a growth growing below the head made of the same armor as the the nipple spikes. If I was a better artist and linguist I wouldn't have this issue! LOL. Thankfully I found some hot images of Roman Heart from Falcon, who's prominent scar proved to be a very good example to share.

Here is my reaction to her completed masterpiece:

Thanks for doing such a wonderful job bringing my boy Zainer Nova to life for me. I am really trying hard to come up with these Aliens! It means a lot that you took a lot of time on him and made him very sexy! He has such a great build and oh so hot penis! Love that wrinkly foreskin. :happyhappy::heart: I have a neat idea for when he cums... XD
Your Otnorot is so very hot and cute. It was way sweet to have you draw him once again. Love his big big balls! :inlove::XD: He has the kindest face and smile.
Here we see his water spray effect from his back penis. Makes bath time fun!! You gave Nova a great pose as he gets spayed. :) :heart:
The Space Invader theme rocks! :P I want shampoo bottle just like that!
If this is what happens when you get abducted count me in!
Hope we can do more of them some time. :heart:

Yeah Novas first name was Zainer. It still is, but I simply call him Nova the Grey now..maybe he is embarrassed by it! XD Cara was a big help with getting me off my ass and naming him! :) As you can see she gave Nova a very nice build, not too over the top, but not slight either. Very sexy!

OK so from here the days and weeks had gone by and I was ready to do something different with Nova and Otnorot. I asked Sirio to put them in a Roman setting. Heck Sirio is the master of Gladiators. Who else would I turn to? -_^
I got some critiques that my Otnorot was a little too inhuman. Well, he is an Alien, but one thing I really wanted Sirio to do was change his feet. Do you guys like this change?
As mentioned the character was forming in my mind so I asked Sirio to buff Nova up as well. Sirio took on Otnorot with no problems at all. She got the legs, balls, penis, everything so right it was amazing. But that Dang circumcision scar is always giving me issues!!!! XD

Take a look at her fist little sketch. I just love these!!

It wasn't long at all before the boys took shape. Check those expression filled faces!!
As Sirio and I went through the details of the characters I started to fiddle with the armor on Otnorots chest. Something about the shape gave me an idea. Sirios sketch kinda called out to me and boom, he is was given cool new armor. XD

OK Sirio always puts so much effort into her art, but this is just superb! I love the bodies and poses. Really outstanding.

My reaction.

Hey Sirio! Thanks for taking on my two Alien boys. Ha ha ha, you did an amazing job making Otnorot a little more human looking. Nice new feet. :)
Great poses just what I wanted. :kiss::heart:
I love all the colours and the new design on his nipples. That one just came to me by accident and you pulled it off so well. I love the faces on both. And the nice big muscular legs on Otnorot are perfect! Great balls and penis too! Very sexy! The back penis looks really cool and very real! :inlove::lol::heart:
Thanks for working so hard on Novas costume and picking some great colours with me. I really like the body, face, hair and penis you gave him. All very sexy! I'm going to use that costume in future commission of him! :widesmile::heart:

Thanks so much again my friend. :happyhappy::heart::heart:

As many people know Fallenangel and I have been busy on a huge series of images. Every so often he likes to take a break from it and do other ideas. He gladly took on Nova and based on his evolution and my Gladiator idea, took him to an even more level of buffness.

Not only did he do the image, he did a cute comic based on the character!

My Reaction:

All I hear in my head is Georges mother in Sienfeld going OH HE'S ADROABLE!!! His eyes are so cute! :heart: I can't stop looking at his face! :heart:
Love that thick foreskin, very sexy. :inlove: He' got an amazing build too boot. Nova seems to get buffer with each new image! :) :widesmile::heart:
You even created a little mascot buddy robot for him. COOL! :) He's neat! :happyhappy::heart: I will have to think of some uses for him. That was a wonderful surprise indeed. He's looking very happy to have found a file on his buddy I see! His legs are simply amazing. Nice details.

Nova now has a story, the Son of a Gladiator and an Egyptian Grey, he is shunned by his race for his differences. His body makes him desirable to humans, but repulsive to his own kind. He finds happiness on Earth living the life of a Hero. He earned the title Nova the Grey. He searches for adventure on our Planet and in Space. This all came about as I watched the artist work on him and people comment on him on the sites, etc. It was they that inspired me, to push him further.

Now you have seen how the character went from being a slender teenager to having a full warriors build. From being a simple experiment, to earning a back story that changed and grew very quickly in my mind. Now Nova is on his way to something very different, something I have never done before. Be ready, for soon you will all be shocked at where I and FallenAngel take him. I promise to post that here.

If anyone is interested in creating his mother and father please let me know. :)

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